Samsung I9003 CWM Recovery for 2.3.6

Samsung I9003 CWM Recovery for 2.3.6 free download

How to install:
Install this CWM is very easy, just flash the .tar file with Odin ( put the .tar in the PDA field).
You can also use heim dall under linux. Just extract the normalboot.img file and do:

One thing to know is that in this version External SD is called SDCard. This because SDCard is used by CWM as backup support. For the same reason also the USB Storage mounted under "Mount and Storage" menù is related to external SD.

heimdall flash --normal-boot normalboot.img
IMPORTANT: Read this topic on Edify scripting used on The partitions must be mounted before copying files:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "-t", "auto", "/dev/block/stl9", "/system");
Flashing Zip Files:
If in the updater-script there isn't the "mount /system" option you must - before apply the zip - mount manually /system under "Mount and Storage" menù and then flash your zip.

- Added EXT4 filesystem support for the kernel ( now you can convert to ext4 to improve performanca);
- CWM with double RFS / EXT4 filesystem support;
- Busybox;
- Juwe11 RamScript 

THANKS: I have to say, 

and all of us have to say a big Thanks to the super Devs that helped me in this port: Chris41g, DRockstar (this CWM is heavily based on it's project), Roddick and all the other devs on #epic in These are WONDERFUL GUYS, always ready to help you.
Thanks also to koush that made the Clockworkmod Recovery.

IMPORTANT: The recovery isn’t universal, all firmware is different so don’t flash the recovery for a firmware different from your!!!! Since i don’t have all firmware on my PC upload your normalboot.img to me with the name of your firmware so i can build the CWM.
The normalboot.img can be found in the PDA tar of your firmware (if you have it on the PC). Alternatively you can dump it from phone with this command:

dd if=/dev/block/bml7 of=/sdcard/normalboot.img
LINK: GT-I9003_PDA-LUBKB1.tar GT-I9003_PDA-DDKF1.TAR GT-I9003_PDA-JVKD1.tar GT-I9003_PDA-XXKPH.tar ---> 
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