Samsung J210f msl error patch certificate new security done

Samsung J210f msl error patch certificate new security done

Info - 
Chimera Mobile Phone Utility version: 18.61.1343 @ 2018-09-06
Patch certificate started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-J210F
Sales Code: BNG
Country Code: Bangladesh
Timezone: Asia/Dhaka
Android Version: 6.0.1 [MMB29Q] [SDK 23]
Build Date: Fri Aug 5 22:13:57 KST 2016
PDA Version: J210FXXU0APH2 [august 2016, rev2]
Phone Version: J210FXXU0APF8 [june 2016, rev8]
CSC Version: J210FODD0APH2 [august 2016, rev2]
Board Platform: SC8830
Modem Platform: SC9830I
Serial Number: R28J20QV19B
Imei: 357337073283454
Battery Status: 3.93V (50%)
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: DSDS
Security Patch: 2016-08-01
Data Encryption State: unencrypted
Checking custom root image...
Downloading custom root image. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Checking downloaded image.
Rooting by custom image-based root method...
Flashing firmware...
Switching to download mode.
Waiting for download mode.
Reading PIT from phone.
Flashing boot.img
Restarting phone.
Waiting for ADB connection. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Checking root state...
Patching certificate...
Reading data. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Writing data. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Reminder! In case of new firmware, flashing the Patch Certificate process must be repeated!
Successfully finished.