OnePlus 8 Unbrick tool to restore your device to OxygenOS

OnePlus 8 Unbrick tool to restore your device to OxygenOS

You can download the following versions: 
IN21BA tools (european firmware)
Android 10
Android 11

IN21AA tools (international firmware):
IN21DA tools (indian firmware):
Android 10

Warning: As this happened on OnePlus 8 Pro, it is advised to take backup of /persist partition before crossflashing (eg going from International to Indian build) as fingerprint reader may give an error related to enrollment issue.
You can do so by using dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/persist of=/sdcard/persist.img 
(you must have root access, which is not something I'm going to explain here) and moving it to your computer/cloud.

How to root Oneplus 8 without twrp

Produce -

1. need regional firmware what your phone have 
2. dowload from website latest firmware.
3. boot image extractor ( Payload unpacker ).
4. paste payloader file on payloader input folder & open dumper.
5. pick boot file and paste on your phone.
6. open magisk apk & patched the boot file. copy patch boot file on your computer.
8. set connect via fastboot mode & flash patched .

ENJOY now 

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